For those of you who know me, you’ll appreciate I like to talk about our native seafood a lot 🤔 #understatement
So, if you’d like to sample the finest UK fish and shellfish in a beautiful setting and hear me tell the ‘net to plate’ story, then come and join me and top seafood chef @jacklevine23@suninndedham on Friday March 11th.
I’ll be talking about my ‘A Passion for Seafood‘ journey and describing how our extraordinarily diverse and wonderful, wild fish and shellfish are harvested beyond the horizon and brought to us fresh and direct from the boats.
Jack and I haven’t quite finalised the menu yet, but it will be 4 courses with 8 wines for £65/head and I guarantee it’ll be sensational.
If you’d like to book a place, just contact the Sun Inn, Dedham, Essex on 01206 323351 or email